Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dirty Secret

I've got a dirty secret: I don't wash my hair every day...not even every other day. My hair is naturally curly/wavy, so it tends to be dry already, and with heat styling on top of can be a recipe for disaster if I don't show my hair a lot of love. In the spring I started seeing a new hair stylist and she urged me to stretch my washes out for three days to help keep my hair healthy. Sounds ironic how washing your hair often can cause it to become even more dry, but it's true. Shampooing daily strips your hair of natural oils and with the harsh detergents used (you know you've of heard them...the sodium lauryl sulfates and parabens), they just strip and damage your hair instead of repairing it. If you're like me, you'd blow out your hair too, maybe finish with the flat iron to get it super straight or add some waves with a curling iron. Think about what we put our hair through! It needs a break, but I'm sure most of you will agree, not much is better than having freshly washed, squeaky-clean hair. So, after my new stylist urged me to stretch my washes out for three days, I headed straight to the drugstore to purchase the aerosol dry shampoo to help refresh my style between washings. But what about the ends of my hair? They're dry and need the TLC of a conditioner more often than every three days. What should I do? The whole purpose is to limit the amount of washes and heat styling, so I shouldn't just "wash" with conditioner. 

The solution? TIGI's Dirty Secret Dry Conditioner

TIGI Rockaholic Dirty Secret Dry Conditioner. Source:

Dry conditioner? That sounds like an oxymoron. Here's the deal: it comes as an aerosol spray and is sprayed from midstrand to the ends to hydrate and protect the rest of your hair dry shampoo isn't designed for. Genius! It makes my hair soft and shiny, not sticky and gummy. It helps moisturizer my ends until the next time I shampoo and condition.

So far this is the only brand I've tried, but more and more companies are creating these products. My inner product whore is getting very excited! 

Ridin' Duuurrrty

Do you use dry conditioner? Which one is your favorite?
Want to try Dirty Secret? Buy it here and let me know what you think!

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